woensdag 16 juni 2010
Ninth week
Eighth Week
Angles of Buildings
Seventh Week
woensdag 26 mei 2010
Sixth Week
The Poster

The posters present the map with the different places that can be viseted. It should look like the buildings are drawed on paper and cut out and then glued onto the map. We still need to put in a puppet that is walking through delft. The pink footsteps should subtle show the direction of the route. We still need to play with some size and colour elements.
donderdag 20 mei 2010
a blurred background, with a sharp route
a black and white background, with a route in color
cartoon like drawing
Patterns and textures
the route has another pattern than the background
Route navigation
faces or pops looking in a certain direction
building or people in a certain direction
2D (Depth perception)
from small to big or otherwise
some motion drawings
atrration are bigger
attractions have more color, or more intense colors
attractions are sharper than background
showing more details of the attractions
maandag 17 mei 2010
Fith Week
Black & White vs. Color

Forth Week

vrijdag 7 mei 2010
Anne Streef - Narrative
The idea behind the poster was to create two different stories, which take place in the past and in the present. The abstract shape of the train implies a sort of movement from the past to the future. The irritations, frustrations and confusing of the past will be disappearing in the future. But the traveller needs to be patient!

Lysanne van der Voort - Color
With this poster the difference between the negative, current situation and the positive, future station is shown with the use of colour. The current situation is shown only by black and white pictures on the background to enhance the negative expression. By placing the images of the future station with colours in the front it will get the attention and show that it will become fantastic. The colour bleu as background of the two pictures is chosen to enhance the notion of the ‘Spoorplan’ Delft with the positive results for the rail station and Delft.

Caressa Fooy - Structure

Lotte de Reus - 3D Perspective
woensdag 5 mei 2010
Third Week
Second Week
Receiver : Inhabitants of Delft who only see the sort term consequences of the rebuilding of the Delft station which are purely negative valued. They are irritated by the fact that it brings so much trouble and they are not aware of the advantages the project will bring along in the future.
Message: Show the advantages of the rebuilding for the future of Delft. In this way Delft will come along with the big cities in Holland and will be prepared for a growth from a village into a big city. Convince the people of Delft that the result of the new plan is worth their irritation and waiting. Enlarge their patience and create a positive feeling instead of a negative feeling concerning the complete mess and rebuilding of the area.
Caressa will be working with the subject of composition, structure and grouping in 2D. Color will be the main subject for the poster of Lysanne. Lotte's poster will be focused on the Third Dimension and Visual Narrative will be the main subject in the poster of Anne.
Now it is time to dive into the literature and lectures and start creating posters that will bring the message.